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Cover of mistborn the lost metal by Brandon Sanderson, featuring two armed characters in a steampunk cityscape with a red sky.

mistborn the lost metal by Brandon Sanderson Mistborn: The Lost Metal is the final book of the second era of the Mistborn series. Waxillium Ladrian, a lawman turned senator, faces off against the Set, a shadowy organization trying to disrupt the political and social order of Scadrial. When Wax finds an explosive in the Outer … Read more

The Name of the Wind Book PDF Free Download

The Name of the Wind InkByte Library

The Kingkiller Chronicle #1 The Name of the Wind Patrick Rothfuss This is the story of the magically endowed young man who becomes the most infamous wizard his planet has ever seen, told in Kvothe’s own words. A compelling coming-of-age tale unmatched in modern literature is created by the intimate account of his early years spent … Read more

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