Girl in Pieces

Kathleen Glasgow

Charlotte Davis isn’t quite whole. She had already lost more at the age of seventeen than most individuals do in their lives. But she’s become good at forgetting. The grief is swept away by the shattered glass, leaving only peace. You don’t need to consider the river or your father. Your closest companion, departed eternally. or your mother, who is at the end of her patience with you.

Charlie’s heart gets a bit harder with each fresh scar, but the pain never goes away. Sometimes you have to get so hurt that you lose interest in trying to find a way back from the brink.

  • Book: Girl in Pieces

  • Author: Kathleen Glasgow

  • First published August 30, 2016
  • File Type: PDF
  • Total Pages: 359
  • Language: English
  • PDF Size: 1.92 MB

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Alt text: "The cover of Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow features distressed, fragmented text on a soft peach background, with a smudged effect, conveying raw emotion and turmoil."

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