Chasing River By M.C. Sakala

M.C. Sakala’s “Chasing River” follows Armani Nnandi, a “good girl” with perfect marks who is sent to a top art institution in France. There, she becomes embroiled with River Kennedy, her art class competitor. As Armani navigates the academy’s mysteries and secrets, she realizes that River, who looks to be faultless at first glance, has a tragic past. The book blends romantic and mystery elements in a gloomy academic environment.

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  • Book: Chasing River

  • Author: M.C. Sakala

  • Published May 28, 2023
  • File Type: PDF
  • Total Pages: 541
  • Language: English
  • PDF Size: 2.84 MB

Book cover of Chasing River by M.C. Sakala, featuring an artistic line drawing of two faces against a flowing water-themed background with blue and white hues, and a tagline, 'Words bleed, but art lives on forever.'

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