(The Way I Used to Be #1) The Way I Used to Be By Amber Smith

“The Way I Used to Be” by Amber Smith is a powerful YA novel that explores the impact of sexual assault on a young girl named Eden. The story, told over four years of high school, portrays Eden’s transformation as she grapples with trauma, leading her down a path of self-destruction and isolation. Smith’s writing captures the raw emotions and difficult realities of surviving such trauma, making it a deeply emotional and impactful read.

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  • Book: The Way I Used to Be

  • Author: Amber Smith

  • First published March 22, 2016
  • File Type: PDF
  • Total Pages: 274
  • Language: English
  • PDF Size: 3.84 MB

Book cover of The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith featuring two yellow dandelions with petals blowing away on a soft gray background, symbolizing change and transformation.

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