God of Wrath” by Rina Kent is a dark romance featuring an enemies-to-lovers storyline set in a college environment. The plot follows Cecily, who inadvertently entangles herself with Jeremy Volkov, a mafia prince. Described as a standalone in the Legacy of Gods series, this book combines intense emotions with thrilling twists

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  • Book: God of Wrath

  • First published November 17, 2022
  • File Type: PDF
  • Total Pages: 424
  • Language: English
  • PDF Size: 1.96 MB

Book cover of God of Wrath by Rina Kent, part of the 'Legacy of Gods' series, available on Inkbyte Library at gyannidhi.com. The cover features a chained heart against a dark, ornate background with swirling orange floral accents and the text 'I'm trapped by the devil.

god of wrath by rina Kent
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